Summer Loving

Wow. It’s been a long time since I last opened my blog and I cant believe that WordPress finally has an app for iPods. When I found out about it, I just had to download it. Last time I posted here was probably 3 months ago. I didn’t really get a chance to updated whoever reads my blog but here I am now! I named this post Summer Loving because I am definitely loving summer. Not only loving it, I’m pretty much enjoying it as well. Despite the fact that I’ve been a home buddy for the last 3 days, I still enjoyed it. A lot of my friends tell me that we have to make every second count for our last summer before heading off to college. They were right. I did enjoy it and I have no regrets about it. So let’s just hope that college is gonna be a blast. And let’s hope that I can survive it.

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Fourth Year E

I’ve always had a thing for the people who belong to this section at school. Even if I belong to Fourth Year C and not E, I still feel like I belong here. Maybe I’m saying this because I don’t feel very important when it comes to my section. When the school year started, I didn’t feel part of Fourth Year C at all. Then I started going to section E and I found out that I have more fun there than in the other section. Although there have been issues about our sections months ago, I still feel the need to open up to these guys. It’s funny how every time I go to their classroom, they’d greet me and hug and talk to me. And I don’t experience this when I’m with section C at all. They call me their “adopted” classmate, besides our other batchmate from section D, Esther from that movie The Orphan (I have no idea why) and the floating fat reindeer named Greenie. For the past 10 months of my last year in high school, they’ve been with me from the start and I can’t thank them enough. I actually got the idea of writing this post now because I’m currently with them at 9AM even if I’m supposed to be with section C. So, here’s to every cool and awesome person from Fourth Year E, you have no idea how much I love you guys! 🙂

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Goodbye, Facebook!

Deactivated my Facebook account for some particular reason today. Well, I planned on doing this since the start of the year but the only reason I decided to deactivate my account was because of boys. Sucks right? To know that the only reason why you’re not logging in to one of the most famous sites in the world was because of boys. I know it’s lame but I did it for some particular reasons: 1. They criticize girls more than girls criticize them. 2. They make fun of girls without even letting girls know that they are. 3. They back-bite more than girls do. 4. They can ruin a girl’s reputation just by showing an “indecent” photo of a girl wearing a bathing suit. 5. They just suck and I hate them so much for that.

Before the incident happened, I didn’t look at boys this way. Maybe because I had guy friends and all but maybe I never really saw their real attitude when it comes to talking about girls. Hate me about it but I think it’s true: Boys don’t respect girls that much anymore. They may appear as the “nice” ones but they turn out to be bitchier than girls. Hopefully, that picture won’t last long. If it would, I’d seriously kill every guy living in this planet (a figure of speech).

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Sappy Crappy Tuesday

Believe it or not, I’ve never been a fan of Valentines Day. I hate it. I hate how they call it Valentines Day even if it’s just an ordinary day of the week or something. I hate how guys give huge bouquets and expensive chocolates and girls start to blush and shit. I just don’t get it. I’m not saying I’m insecure but I never really understood why people call it the “Day of Love”. I mean, seriously, I’d rather pleasure myself with a bowl of popcorn dipped in Nutella tonight rather than having an expensive dinner at a fancy restaurant. If this were a reaction paper I had to make for English, I’d give myself an A+ or an A++, if there even is such a grade as that. It never made perfect sense to me at all. I hate it how people wear red and pink together even though they know that it would make them look like a Victoria’s Secret model or something (no offense to anyone who’s fat). I’m probably acting like this because my experiences of “Valentines Day” didn’t really go well as I planned it would be. I imagined myself as the girl who would date the Captain of the Football Team but I ended up being the girl who stays up until 12 midnight watching chick flick movies. I don’t know what you think but I pretty much don’t care about whatever the hell happened to me today. I didn’t even know that this is how I reacted until I opened my blog and started typing whatever you call this. I’m not saying that you should discourage yourself from loving someone but you should just love yourself more before loving someone else. It’s fine with me if you criticize about the fact that I’m only 16 and don’t really know anything about life yet. But, hopefully, I’ll be able to. I hope you had fun today, whoever you are. 🙂

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2 weeks ago, my family planned to go on a roadtrip. We all agreed to go zip lining at Adventure Cafe, Balamban Cebu. We left the city at around 2PM and got there at 4PM. The sun was out so we decided to wear thin pieces of clothing but when we got there, it was freaking cold.

My cousins and I goofed around while waiting for the kuya

The cafe had this “SHOOOOOOOUT” wall wherein you had to buy plates, glasses and other porcelain things to throw in the wall if you were in a bad mood.

Over all, it was definitely the best Sunday I spent with my family in my 16 years of living.

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Hello Hello!

Hello there. My name’s Gianne Dominique Eustaquio Nellas (if you have a hard time pronouncing my middle name, just forget about it haha) but you can also call me Gianne, Gie or just G. Never try erasing the NE after Gianne because people might think that I’m a dude and I might just give you a Manny Pacquio punch for that. Anyways, I’m not new to blogging. I started blogging in 2011 when I got addicted to reading the blogs of stars and famous bloggers like Saab Magalona, Patricia Prieto, Laureen Uy, Kryz Uy and Camille Co. Before I started blogging, I didn’t really know what was the use for having a blog until it got to me that when you have a blog, you learn how to express yourself more. Chos. Plus, I didn’t know how to write a blog on the internet because I was too shy so I got myself a journal and wrote everything there.

As many of you don’t know, I’m Cebuano. Yes, I’m a full-blooded Cebuano and I’m proud to say that I’m happy to be one. I promised myself that I’d start this year with a new me. So, I decided to say goodbye to Blogger and make a new blog here on WordPress instead.

Here’s to the New Year! 🙂

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